Wintertime Surprise!

When the snow melted last week, I couldn’t help going to look for what was still green in my yard. If I had to, what could I find out there to pick for food? So I started with the edge of the patio not expecting much. After all we have had many days of 20 degrees or less since Thanksgiving.

Much to my surprise and joy there were some old friends still looking perky and delicious! I found wood sorrel (or sour grass – oxalis acetosa) right at the edge of the cement. Next was evidence of dandelions which means roots for the digging, violet leaves, and mallow. There were also rose hips for tea!

Excited I started examining the garden beds. I still had sage, oregano, parsley, feverfew, and chives. When the ground thaws out I’ll try to dig an onion up and see how they are as well. Since I have very sandy soil, they may be fine!

If I actually left my yard, what wonders could I find? For one thing, there are many roots besides the dandelions in my yard. There are burdock and yellow dock for sure, and their dead leaves would lead me to them. Also cattails have many possibilities for food year around, as do birch trees, willows, balsam fir, pine needles, blackberry bushes, and clover.

I could also gather wild amaranth seeds for flour and tumbleweed for that matter! On this great green earth, we are never out of food!

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