
Funny how that word has such a different expression when applies to people rather than plants! These plants are hardy, come in the most beautiful colors, smell sweet,  and are planted when the rest of the annuals are dying in the Fall, or are hardy early in the Spring. They even seed in and come up again in the Great White North rearranging themselves through hybrid seeds into new combinations of colors and faces!! With all this going for pansies, it seems strange that it is not a compliment to be called a ‘pansy’!

I brought home six very flat, dehydrated pots of pansies from a job we just finished planting this week, either to save them or compost them. I would have bet on the side of composting them. Lo and behold, in an hour or so they came back totally – a seeming impossible task!

So what does that say about a Pansy? It’s also know as Heart’s-Ease and Love-In-Idleness, however the 1905 Webster’s Dictionary has no mention of a person being a pansy! Hum-m-m-m…


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